Governance and Digitalization
Digitalization, which means transforming using digital technologies, It means much more than companies' technology move.
In the new world where offices move to cell phones and computers, each small desk where the computer can be placed office, any cafe meeting room where you can have a coffee, Every place with internet can be a training and conference area. Computerized 3-5 If a friend can change the world.
As a dental industry professional, digitalization is very important in our industry, but there is a fact that the focus is more., impress and show part, But with the corona virus, another importance of digital dentistry has emerged., It was on the agenda of laboratories, of course, but the relationship between digitalization and contamination did not attract much attention.. Less physical material with corona virus, workflow, Raised awareness to assess the situation also in terms of shipment movements and physical contact directions. Location and distances lose their importance, no physical material other than the final product, There is a workflow where people working together are perhaps just familiar with each other's voices and not seeing their faces, digital dentistry is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. For now, I am putting an end to the part about digital dentistry here..

Digitalization has a counterpart in every field and industry, sometimes it can be misunderstood. When we look at startups and fast growing companies, they are all digitally based economy of ideas., Generally, entrepreneurs are locked into the mitosis division of money personally, but the smarter ones are locked into the mitosis division of knowledge and experience (know how) as a team, and small teams can outgrow companies that have been working with thousands of people for years in a short time.. Whatsapp 19 When sold for a billion dollars 50 person was working. In a company of this size with Turkey as of the moment that I do, From the current value of Whatsapp, amazon, I'm not even talking about apple, but that's not the point.

Governance and digitization; First of all, managers and boards of directors must have digital competence and mentality.. You cannot provide an inclusive and promising transformation with a resistance that can occur at the top.. Management and organizational structure must adopt the digital mind. They are the first to create the digital atmosphere. Although it is now an advantage to live in a period where generation Y takes responsibility in every field, unfortunately, digital management understanding is not at a sufficient level across the world., Digitalization Research by Amrop on a global scale (Digitalization on Boards) 2016), demonstrates that boards don't yet have the key competencies needed to tackle digital transformation. 11 largest publicly traded country (in Europe and America) 110 digital competencies of the company's board of directors and 1.280 Key findings of the research examining the professional experience of the independent board member, 36 percent of board members in technology companies, It reveals that only 5 percent of the board members of organizations operating in other fields have digital competencies.. If you do not have this competence, at least open up.

If we go to the road map with the adoption of the digital mind in management, processes need to be revised according to digital workflows. What do we mean by this, We are talking about revising processes digitally by focusing on the result and purpose.. Paper, pen, Let's change the perception of table and meeting rooms. A memory I never forget Samsung Note 3 I had a friend who put a note on the phone and took notes, I guess they would sit and cry if the phone had a tongue. For example, after reviewing a job interview required resume, online interviews are possible and now a method used by many global companies.. Social media accounts are used heavily to recognize people ‘Tell me your social media account, I'll tell you who you are.' Meetings can also be held online this way, If he needs to fight sometimes, I'm sure a digital solution will be developed for him too.. We are living in an excellent period when it comes to working methods from different locations on the same files and documents.. there are some great apps like Quip and I have been using for years. Of course, while carrying out all these processes, the information security management system ISMS is very important and all this fiction 27001 should perform in inspection. Despite all the harm of the Corana virus, maybe it will have some positive contribution in terms of changing our working methods.
If we come to the education part, Ivan Illich's "Society Without a School" book is very interesting, albeit aggressive. Most children, Such a remote could be from TV and computer, but in an atmosphere where he said why we went to school for years but families are looking forward to the day the schools will open, all fiction will be made again..
We live in a time when accessing information is too tinny.. Using the information that matters and increasing its added value.
Digitalization, which means transforming using digital technologies, It means much more than companies' technology move.
In the new world where offices move to cell phones and computers, each small desk where the computer can be placed office, any cafe meeting room where you can have a coffee, Every place with internet can be a training and conference area. Computerized 3-5 If a friend can change the world.
Digitalization, which means transforming using digital technologies, It means much more than companies' technology move.
In the new world where offices move to cell phones and computers, each small desk where the computer can be placed office, any cafe meeting room where you can have a coffee, Every place with internet can be a training and conference area. Computerized 3-5 If a friend can change the world.
As a dental industry professional, digitalization is very important in our industry, but there is a fact that the focus is more., impress and show part, But with the corona virus, another importance of digital dentistry has emerged., It was on the agenda of laboratories, of course, but the relationship between digitalization and contamination did not attract much attention.. Less physical material with corona virus, workflow, Raised awareness to assess the situation also in terms of shipment movements and physical contact directions. Location and distances lose their importance, no physical material other than the final product, There is a workflow where people working together are perhaps just familiar with each other's voices and not seeing their faces, digital dentistry is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. For now, I am putting an end to the part about digital dentistry here..