OrthoDigi Align

It is a biocompatible material, Erkodur and produced from Zendura., offers you the freedom to choose different brands of records and features.

OrthoDigi Aligner almost invisible, durable and comfortable. All aligners, precision professionally planned, designed and manufactured.

Patients, They're surprised how seamlessly their aligners are in tune with their teeth and their lives.

Especially developed to treat teenagers and adults and, Allows perfect alignment without screws or brackets. Instead of metal materials, Biocompatible transparent plates are used, which are barely noticeable by your environment. Transparent plates are always removable and easy to clean. During the treatment, the plates are changed and each plate ensures that each plate will be adjusted to your individual treatment progress and that your teeth are straightened step by step.. You will be delighted with the extraordinary convenience of aligning your teeth as well as optimal treatment results..

Planned by expert consultants, We offer different plate options. We work on boutique and customized solutions.

For print and fit quality, Uses Erkodent Erkopress motion, the best thermoforming device, 6 It is the device with the highest bar pressure and quality thermoform output in the field with bar working pressure..

Since the forming process is created with high pressure from the top, it creates all the details perfectly.. This enables more functional productions for both aligners and other products..

*Transparent and almost invisible.

*Can be removed at any time, e.g. for your lunch snacks.

*Easy to clean.

*Doesn't affect your natural speech.

*Manufactured individually for you and regularly adjusted to your treatment progress.

*Comfortable to wear - you just feel a slight pressure initially.

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