Digital TMJ Splint

Learn to close the lower jaw correctly, You will love the digital TMJ splints that provide muscle relaxation and correct movement of the jaw. Fully digital, Digital design customized with your telephones, lateral and prosthetic movements are harmonized in the virtual articulator, clinical application very easy. Contains no monomers, then, odor free. 3D biocompatible with software, FDA approved, Produced with special splint resin. Perfect match with digital precision. Digital TMJ splints, Digital and healthy solution of the pain of our patients in today's world where we are very boring our teeth.

Studies have reported that the residual monomer released from acrylic resin has cytotoxic effects in conventional TMJ acrylic splints.. The common non-polymerized monomer passes into saliva and acts as a source of irritation for soft tissues., It has been reported to cause mucosal damage. It also causes unpleasant taste and odor in the mouth.. Digital TMJ splints do not contain monomers, has no taste and smell.

Digital TMJ splint workflow; It is sufficient to send the centric relation together with the upper and lower classical or digital impressions.. Sentril relationship or centric closure is completely your preference as a physician..

Although digital TMJ splint is made according to centric occlusion , send centric relation, means that my control is entirely in you physicians. If you wish, we can design by opening the centric closure vertically in the virtual articulator as you request..

Centric relationship; Within the fossa atricularis of the condyles of a certain vertical dimension; maxillo-mandibular joint position where it is located in the top and middle (Proc. Central relationship between condylaris and fossa articularis.)

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