Blue Ocean Digital Dentistry
Digital dentistry is conceptually supported by computer directly from the patient's mouth. digital taking measurements, It is today's technology that scanning and appropriate restorations and treatments can be prepared.. SCAN /CAD/CAM sistemidir. So computer aided scanning, design and manufacture. Although it covers the other technological ecosystem used in the clinic, the focus is on SCAN CAD CAM.
In the conceptual part, again, the benefits of digital dentistry are conveyed to you rightly and correctly for being a good physician and for a better treatment; Increasing treatment success, shorten the duration of treatment, Increasing physician-patient comfort and reducing the time the patient spends on the sofa is all the purpose and scope of digital dentistry.
But when you graduate you'll see, the industry has some less-addressed facts in your education. Business and marketing, Every day, many faculties of dentistry are opening and many graduates are. So now the dental industry is a competitive red ocean. Product here, service and personal branding etc.. decomposing by methods, He thinks it is necessary to transition to the blue oceans, which is the market area without competition, price competition has no end, a separate function of digital dentistry emerges here, marketing function, dissociation and differentiation focus.
Indeed, in all industries, digital and digitalization words are sick, customer, The market has a serious response no matter how you express it, people trust technology more than the human factor when the word digital comes into play.
If it is transferred to the digital patient correctly in the dental sector, it has a serious response., Young dentists and their candidates have a little more advantage, naturally their digital competence is better than previous generations, as much as hand monipulation and skills now, crucial in digital competencies and skills,
If we focus on the dental sector, patients are now more conscious and researching.. Traveling, comparing, customer loyalty level decreases, especially x-y generation changes. The following sentence is always expressed for the first lesson on marketing, “If you want loyalty, Buy a dog ”Now, the patient evaluates how much and how you use technology while making an appointment to the clinic and accepting the treatment plan, and digital dentistry becomes important in decision making, Pay attention, we have not started treatment yet and no definitive aspect of digital dentistry has come into play.. The quality of the product and service that you cannot market does not mean anything..
Another pain but let's make it real confession come. Research shows that “The quality of treatment in patient satisfaction is 30 not even '' the remaining part, team, Contact, marketing, perception etc.. factors. As a very good physician, he may fail in his clinical business or, as a less good physician, be a successful tradesman. After sharing these ideas about the framework of marketing and digital dentistry in general, we can now enter the clinic..
SCAN as we mentioned above, CAD, CAM scanning, the design, thinks that digital dentistry, which includes production, is the entrance door scan and scanner part, especially for physicians. Digital smile design, How dentists should act in the cad and cam part, I will share my personal opinions on this subject in the following sections..
There are now more companies and models in the browser part and this increase will continue., beneficial for these users. Many of the major global players in the dental sector either produced themselves or made a move to take part in the dental future by purchasing companies..
For example, the American Aligntech company we know as invisalign 2011 in, Israel acquired iTero., recently, Exocad, one of the most important companies in CAD software, 376 million euros. 3DISC Heron ™ IOS, which has used 3Shape for a long time and extensively after listing some manufacturers, As someone who has experienced iTero and Medit, I will mention a few points about how to make a choice in my opinion..
3 Shape TRIOS
iTero Element
3DISC Heron™ IOS
Medit i500
Dentsply Sirona Primescan
Planmeca Emerald S
Carestream CS3700
Dental Wings Virtuo Vivo
GC Aadva IOS 200
Vatech EzScan
Shinning 3D Aoralscan

These are some brands and manufacturers, I will not go into much detail about the browser selection, There will be many changes and updates until many of you get it :) But to draw a framework
1-What do you want to do with the scanning device now and in the near future, orthodontics only, prosthesis, accessory:)
2-Your budget, price performance
3-Support part, dealer reliability
4-Connections with other dental and digital products are created by the eco system
5-Precision, Speed, ergonomics
6-How updates are delivered
I have my own point of view on this issue, but I think it is not necessary to go into much detail here..
Many blogs on this topic, There is evaluation comparison, you can access them, ,If anyone wants, I can share their likes..
And if we go to the scanning part. Scanning is not just scanning, If you consider and consider scanning as just taking measurements, the marketing and show part of digital dentistry we mentioned above will be skipped., As physicians and candidates, these statements may sound a little offensive to you., I think I can be a little more flexible with the health institutions management hat.. I think it is necessary to adapt to market conditions without giving up idealism..
First examination patients should be screened as much as possible, a system where patients and parents, if any, can watch the scan comfortably, screen tv etc.

Treatment plans should be explained to the patient through his own screening, and it should be emphasized that digital lab partners will be selected and the treatment will proceed digitally in the continuation of the treatment.
Can be digitally edited in the general assembly.
When talking about the general concert, some may think of the glass and the Cad. This is not what I want to express., On the contrary, it does not make much sense to me that dentists enter the design and production part themselves or through a technician in the clinic.. An exception to this is to be very large and intense, and I think it is a clinic that serves foreign patients. (Time-speed)
I think it is more logical and profitable for physicians to focus their energy and time on patients and clinics..
Some products and services are also preferences to receive clinical production or the end product as a service.. Clinical production serious investment costs, educated, experienced personnel expenses and continuity, can also be challenging at times in terms of up-to-date costs, It may take time and energy.
The right device, failure to establish the software ecosystem, rapid change of technology and miscalculation of optimum acquisition time are major setup risks. Expensive gadgets that get excitedly bought, can remain as an accessory. This energy for physicians, using the cost and time for the patient and clinic can be more effective.
As in every sector, dentistry and orthodontics are becoming digital., digital dentistry, yearly approx %30 growing around. Our country's dental industry is also trying to keep up with these developments.. People and institutions that can synchronize with this digitalization in the future will have brand value..
Early entry into tourniquet in digital dentistry and orthodontics trend, providing a lot of case experience, The right partnership and solution partnership is promising for those who progress. It will provide the opportunity to be a locomotive along with getting on the train.